Our Curriculum

At Smawthorne Henry Moore, we aim to provide a broad, balanced and knowledge based curriculum to engage our children in all subject areas. Our subject leaders work hard to provide a curriculum which is knowledge rich with a focus on progression and sequential learning. The Senior Leadership team have undertaken a review of the curriculum offer and are working to ensure that every subject promotes a love of learning through meaningful content in order to secure knowledge in children's long term memory. We aim to embed the learnt knowledge through offering wider, meaningful experiences in the form of visits to school and external visits. This forms a big part of #TheSmawthorneExperience.

Leaders are continually reviewing the curriculum offer and will, alongside Subject Leaders, monitor subjects to ensure that the curriculum intent is delivering a high standard of learning, consistently in all subjects across school. Pupil voice is at the centre of our monitoring and we are continually reviewing what is working well and what needs further development. Working with staff and pupils is central to our curriculum as we focus on our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact.  

To view the page dedicated to each of our subjects, please click the heading for the subject you wish to view. We hope that you enjoy getting a flavour of our curriculum. 


Curriculum Leader:

Mr Linley 


Modern Foreign Languages (French)

Curriculum Leader:

Mrs Bird

Physical Education

Curriculum Lead

Miss Dawson


Art and Design

Curriculum Leader:

Mrs Prior

Religious Education

Curriculum Leader

Mrs Jones



Curriculum Leader:

Miss Bradney


Curriculum Leader:

Miss Clark


Curriculum Leader:

Miss Drabble


Design Technology

Curriculum Leader:

Mrs Robson