PE & Sport
PE Intent Statement
Our PE curriculum ensures that every child receives at least two hours of PE per week to ensure the basic skills are mastered. It is designed in a way that every child can access, regardless of ability. High quality teaching means that every child is engaged in lessons and they have a positive attitude towards physical education. We recognise that health and well-being is also a vital aspect of the curriculum and these are provided in conjunction with each other. In the year, one week is focused on health and well-being for both children and staff with a home school link. This adds to the development of our children becoming physically literate. Throughout the year, a range of after school clubs are offered free of charge to the children by external companies within the local community. Children in years 5 and 6 are also offered enrichment sessions, which give them the chance to experience specialist sports, such as fencing or archery, which cannot be provided by teachers in school. These sporting activities have a high profile and make up part of our Smawthorne Experience.
We also have a great link with the Castleford pyramid of schools allowing us to compete against each other. Consequently, this creates a smoother transition to secondary school. Valuable skills are gained such as teamwork, a sense of belonging and pride for not only each individual but through gaining the chance to represent their school. Sporting achievements are a key role in our school and these are celebrated throughout the year. This provides a platform for future individual interests to be further challenged.
Inspirational Quote:
“It is really important that we promote competitive sport in schools. It is very important that we recognise that has to be underpinned by good quality physical education and by getting people into patterns of exercise.”
Sebastian Coe
Complete PE (Scheme)
Complete PE is a scheme of Work that provides high quality curriculum materials in line with the new National Curriculum, introduced in September 2014. Schools can choose activities relevant to their context, at Smawthorne Henry Moore Primary School we aim to provide a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum should continue to be offered in order to address all young people’s needs.
National Curriculum 2014 at Key Stage 1 improves youngsters’ physical literacy by focusing on agility, balance and coordination. These three key areas will continue to be taught through a variety of activities including Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Health and Wellbeing, Athletics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
Complete PE offers high quality learning opportunities and effective transition between year groups and key stages, ensuring that Physical Education knowledge is embedded year on year with sequential knowledge and progression clearly mapped. It allows us to create packages to suit our school’s needs, has resources that ‘Bring Learning to Life!”
Aims and Objectives:
All children take part in PE for 2 hours per week.
Subjects covered: Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Athletics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
Swimming for years 4.
Extra curricular sports clubs will be offered at no cost to pupils to develop physical engagement and enjoyment of sports.
The school takes part in Castleford Academy run Inter-school competitions.
We also take part in Five towns partnership run Inter-school competitions.
Intra-school competition (Sports Day, Reindeer Run, Health and Wellbeing Week, World Cup penalties).
School won a £30,000 grant from Sport England to improve the school playground with a view to improving PE and participation. New grants are being pursued in order to develop this area further. School have also completed fundraising to install an outdoor gym and trim trail to support pupils physical development during social breaktimes.
The school is currently in partnership with Castleford Academy, Premier Sports and Featherstone Rovers in order to provide high quality PE provision to pupils.
PE Curriculum Overview:
Sports Leaders
Each year pupils in year six are given the opportunity to apply for the position of Sports Leader. Pupils are selected on merit for the ambition of provide engaging sports activities to their peers and the desire to develop their leadership skills. Pupils are trained by a PE specialist from Castleford Academy (who achieved Outstanding from Ofsted 2019). This high quality CPD for pupils encouraged them to become active citizens within the school community. They are well respected by their peers and enjoy the challenge from Senior Leaders.
Physical Education National Curriculum Programme of Study: