Our Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Dixon -
My Roles:
My roles include: Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Senior Mental Health Leader in school, management of staff team, manager of the senior leadership team and the vision for the whole school, overall curriculum leader, an overview of Attendance and an overview of Pupil Premium funding, British Values leader, Anti-bullying leader and Behaviour leader.
Miss Goldsmith -
Deputy Headteacher
(Maternity leave October 2023-July 2024)
Please note, Miss Goldsmith's leadership responsibilities have been distributed across the leadership team.
My Roles:
My roles include: Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Early Years Leader, whole school Assessment leader, Phonics leader, Mentor for Early Career Teachers, responsibility for whole school curriculum enrichment and parent partnerships.
Mr Forsyth -
Assistant Headteacher
My Roles:
My roles include: Assistant Headteacher (Acting Deputy in the absence of the Deputy Headteacher), Upper Key Stage 2 leader, Year 6 teacher, Safeguarding officer, KS2 Maths and Writing leader, Behaviour leader, Sports Leader co-ordinator, Educational visits leader, overview of Sports Premium.
Mr Greenwood
School Business Manager
My Roles:
My roles include: School Business Manager, Human Resources Manager, school finance, overview of lunchtime, line manager of support staff, facilities manager.
Mrs Catherall
Senior HLTA
My Roles:
My roles include: Senior Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Wraparound leader, overview of whole school Interventions, Pastoral support for SEMH/SEND needs in The Ark nurture space.
Mrs Kurek
Lower Key Stage 2 Leader
My Roles:
My roles include: Lower Key Stage 2 leader, Year 3 teacher, whole school Science leader, Assessment leader (in the absence of the DHT), Local Authority Writing Moderator.
Miss Ogley
Reading Leader
My Roles:
My roles include: Year 6 teacher, Whole school Reading and Phonics leader, Mentor for School Direct Trainees, Early Career Teacher Mentor (in the absence of the DHT).
Miss Hunt
SENCO and Inclusion Leader
My Roles:
My roles include: Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Inclusion leader and designated CIC teacher. (CIC - children in care), Year 1 teacher, Safeguarding officer.
Mr Powell
Key Stage 1 Leader
My Roles:
My roles include: Key Stage 1 leader, Year 2 teacher, KS1 Writing and Maths leader.