Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions:
At Smawthorne Henry Moore Academy, we pride ourselves that our behaviour is good. This is something that we are dedicated to achieving with all of our pupils and strive to make our behaviour outstanding.
We work as a team to develop positive relationships with our pupils and aim to work with parents as partners to ensure consistency in our high expectations. It is our aim to ensure that all children demonstrate excellent behaviour both in school and out of school and use their knowledge to act as role models to those around them.
Be S.M.A.R.T.
In school, we want children of all ages to know and understand the rules. Our "Be S.M.A.R.T." behaviour rules are clear and concise, provide clear boundaries and expectations and are displayed often around school, prompting and encouraging children to make the right choice... the SMART choice.
The rules complement our ‘Smawthorne Family Values’.
In order to promote desirable behaviour leaders and staff will:
- act as role models
- offer guidance to children including praise and encouragement
- provide a curriculum designed to stretch, engage and meet the needs of each child
- organise classrooms which facilitate independent working
- encouragement and appreciation of children who act as positive role models
- develop a range of ‘how to’ procedures which offer clear guidance to children on behavioural expectations, eg, lining up, moving around school, assemblies etc.
- develop collaborative work within classes and across year groups which will help to develop good relationships, e.g. shared assemblies, school visits and visits to school, etc.
- ‘Friendship Ambassadors’ support their peers if they are feeling left out or unhappy about something
- ensure that the established reward system of distributing Class Dojo points and other rewards for good work and behaviour are celebrated at the weekly Celebration Assemblies
- in year six, following Spring half term, encourage a mature attitude to their work in the lead up to their statutory assessments by completing a five-pound raffle each week for exceptional effort
- to introduce any other incentives for work as the opportunity arises so that children’s efforts are celebrated and shared
- to promote good attendance through our agreed incentive schemes, such as our Attendance Shop, certificates, badges and pizza parties (see attendance policy for more details).
We provide children with many opportunities to discuss appropriate behaviour through day to day activities such as: school council, PSHE lessons, SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) and assemblies, SMSC and British Values curriculum, circle time, liaison with the Anti-Bullying alliance, reflective thinking sheets/work and our Smawthorne Equality tree. This tree displays the protected characteristics which are covered in detail with the children at every opportunity, discouraging any discriminatory behaviour across school.
Whole School Systems
Our Be S.M.A.R.T behaviour rules; the seven school values are referred to by all adults and understood by the children. The Class Dojo system underpins the sanctions and rewards for individuals in relation to these values and rules. This section aims to outline the systems in place at SHMPS.
Class Dojo
Using the online Class Dojo system, children will be rewarded for their positive behaviour choices and will earn points for a range of things, such as: contributing to lessons/joining in, good effort, use of good manners, following our Be S.M.A.R.T. rules or for other aspects of good behaviour and learning. The system allows children to visually see their points total which supports and encourages them to continue making good choices. Our School Behaviour Policy allows staff to give warnings where necessary, so that children are alerted to their poor behaviour choices and given the chance to change. The system is alerts parents of positive behaviour and also when a child's behaviour 'needs work'. Children have the opportunity to redeem themselves through good behaviour and earn more points (even when/if they are having a tricky day!)
To enable staff and parents/carers to celebrate the children’s positive behaviour, we reward certificates as the children accumulate points. For example, when children reach 150 points, they will receive a Bronze Award certificate and badge. For 250 points, they will receive a Silver Award certificate and badge. For 350 points, they will receive a Gold Award certificate and badge. For 500 points, they will receive a Rainbow award certificate and badge. Where possible, these certificates will be emailed out to you or given to those children who require a place in school. I’m sure you will agree that it is so important to continue enforcing behaviour expectations and rewarding children’s efforts.
Celebration Assembly
We have a weekly celebration assembly and it’s the best assembly of the week! Certificates are given out for all sorts of different things including Reader of the week, Writer of the Week, Mathematician of the week and Special Star. We celebrate individual achievements, kindness and our school values.
School Behaviour Policy
Please see the Policies page of our website for further information about behaviour and our approaches.
Mental Health and Emotional behaviours
At SHMPS, we recognise that all behaviour is a form of communication. We are aware that some pupils may experience negative mental health and emotional difficulty which may be caused by a number of things. Some of which may include: EBSA (Emotional based school avoidance) and Insecure attachments. School staff are aware that children experiencing this are working through their feelings to what is a stressful situation for them (coming into school).
We work with Wakefield Local Authority’s Resilience Framework to support pupils’ mental health and emotional well-being. We work hard to provide pupils with the correct support and recognise that some pupils will require Wave 1, some Wave 2 and some Wave 3 support. This will be decided on an individual basis. For some children, it may be appropriate to implement the 4 step Emotion Coaching approach. See our Behaviour Policy for further details on this.