History Intent Statement
It is our aim to help develop and nourish children to become great historians. Throughout #TheSmawthorneExperience, children will become lifelong learners of history. Children will be actively involved through practical experiences and will be able to reflect upon their knowledge all the way through school. Castleford is a History rich town and therefore history is within the heart of our Smawthorne community. For example, Henry Moore’s birth place is within walking distance of our school and the coal mining wheel is a reminder of our past mining history. We are fortunate to have links to areas of specific importance and can access these to enhance the children’s learning and inspire them to want to know more. This develops children’s questioning skills as well as their depth of knowledge. Educational visits play a big part of The Smawthorne Experience, these are carefully selected to develop the children’s real life historical experiences and meet all specific needs. On return children are inspired to reflect on their first hand experiences to motivate, stimulate and encourage more in depth pieces of work. Children have the opportunity to share their work and celebrate their achievements, making them proud historians. History is constantly reviewed to ensure The Smawthorne Experience is implemented and encourages every child’s full potential. It is essential for all staff to model high standards and have high expectations so that all children have a positive attitude to becoming amazing independent historians. Basic skills are embedded in to the History curriculum at every opportunity.
History Curriculum Overview - Whole School
Inspirational Quote:
"People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
Marcus Garvey
History National Curriculum Programme of Study: